Biology 9700/01 Oct Nov 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Lipid and steroid synthesis by smooth endoplasmic reticulum; plasmodesmata exclusive to plant cells.
2. Protein and polysaccharide bond types: glycosidic in cellulose and sucrose, peptide in hemoglobin.
3. Benedict's test interpretation for reducing sugar concentration; ionic bond disruption by pH changes.
4. Symplast pathway in water movement; active sucrose transport into phloem companion cells.
5. High aortic pressure resistance via collagen and elastin fibers; cardiac cycle valve timing analysis.
6. Bohr effect curve shift from CO₂ changes; emphysema caused by alveolar wall elasticity loss.
7. Nicotine-induced platelet stickiness increasing clot risk; antibiotic restrictions to curb resistance.
8. Malaria vaccine challenges: parasite stages and immune system evasion; root nodule nitrogen fixation processes.
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