Biology 9700/06 Oct Nov 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of compact bone structures and functional differences between cartilage and bone at limb joints.
2. Effects of oestrogen and synthetic hormones on bone density and strength, analyzed through experimental data on osteoblast and osteoclast activity.
3. Blood glucose and insulin response comparisons following ingestion of glucose and rice, including liver-mediated blood glucose regulation mechanisms.
4. Hypothalamic functions and transmission of visual information to the brain, focusing on the primary visual cortex and neural pathways.
5. Liver metabolism of ethanol to ethanal and suppression of the Krebs cycle by reduced NAD, contributing to fatty liver disease in chronic alcohol consumption.
6. Industrial-scale optimization of microbial fermenters, including scaling parameters, dilution plating, and growth monitoring techniques.
7. Thermophilic enzyme advantages for starch hydrolysis, with immobilized enzyme benefits and distinctions between batch and continuous processing.
8. Role of microorganisms in bioremediation, with applications for heavy metal accumulation and recovery.
9. Pollination mechanisms in flowers, effects of oligosulphides on insect attraction, and reproductive strategies in cloned crayfish populations.
10. Genetic inheritance patterns in Dahlia flowers influenced by dominant epistasis and applications of genetic banks for conserving rare livestock breeds.

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