Biology 9700/01 May June 2006 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Resolution comparison of electron (0.5 nm) and light microscopes (200 nm); structures with double membranes include mitochondria and nuclei.
2. Golgi apparatus abundance in goblet cells for mucus secretion; starch hydrolysis detection using Benedict's test.
3. Amylose bonds in polysaccharides; tertiary and quaternary protein structures involving hydrophobic interactions.
4. Osmosis in potato cylinders at equilibrium with sucrose solutions; active transport involving ATP and selective membrane permeability.
5. Cohesion-tension theory in xylem water transport; environmental factors affecting transpiration rates.
6. The Bohr effect shifting hemoglobin's oxygen affinity due to CO₂ levels; emphysema caused by elastase from phagocytes.
7. Smoker's artery plaque formation from endothelial damage by nicotine; streptomycin resistance linked to drug-resistant tuberculosis strains.
8. Natural passive immunity in newborns due to maternal antibodies; nitrogen cycle processes excluding denitrification.
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