Biology 9700/02 May June 2007 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Ciliated epithelial cell structure identification: facilitated diffusion, aerobic respiration, transcription sites, and lysosome packaging roles analyzed using diagrams.
2. Gas exchange comparison: alveoli structure optimized for diffusion vs. bronchus limitations, and smoking effects on bronchial epithelium.
3. Enzyme activity: starch phosphorylase in potatoes, pH effects on reaction rates, boiling enzyme effects, and iodine tests for starch presence.
4. Mitosis in muntjac deer: chromosome number determination, homologous pair identification, and chromosomal changes between mitotic phases.
5. Phloem translocation mechanisms: sucrose movement from source to sink, companion and sieve cell roles, and plant transport system necessity.
6. Immunization effects: passive vs. active immunity, antibody concentration trends post-vaccination or injection, and measurement specificity for tetanus antibodies.
7. Plasma membrane functions: diffusion barriers, glucose transport via facilitated diffusion supported by saturation curves, and active transport differences.

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