Biology 9700/04 May June 2007 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Conservation challenges for western lowland gorillas, including habitat loss, poaching, and slow reproductive rates, and advantages and limitations of captive breeding programs.
2. Key products of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation, focusing on energy production and metabolic intermediates.
3. Antibiotic susceptibility testing in bacteria, zones of clearance analysis, natural selection in antibiotic resistance, and mechanisms of β-lactam antibiotic action.
4. Insulin's role in blood glucose regulation, and molecular cloning steps for human insulin production using reverse transcriptase, DNA polymerase, restriction enzymes, and DNA ligase.
5. Adaptations of rice plants for submerged growth, including tissue modifications for oxygen transport and hormone responses to flooding and gibberellin application.
6. Mammalian ovary structure and gamete development, including genetic variation during meiosis and stages of oocyte maturation.
7. Genetic inheritance patterns in ABO blood groups, hemophilia's sex-linked inheritance, and codominance in feather color in chickens, with breeding program applications.
8. Artificial selection principles, corn breeding programs for protein yield improvement, and observed genetic variability in generational yield responses.
9. Structure and function of chloroplasts, adaptations of palisade mesophyll cells for photosynthesis, and the nerve impulse transmission process in cholinergic synapses.

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