Biology 9700/01 May June 2008 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cellular component size hierarchy, eukaryotic-prokaryotic differences, and functional distinctions such as chromatin in eukaryotes.
2. Glycoprotein secretion processes in goblet cells, involving vesicle fusion and protein modifications.
3. Enzyme activity modulation by temperature and substrate concentration, emphasizing lactate dehydrogenase in clinical contexts.
4. Membrane component roles in self-recognition, hydrophobic stabilization, and ion transport mechanisms.
5. Effects of sucrose concentration on plant tissue water potential, indicating isotonic points and cellular osmotic behavior.
6. Mechanisms of nuclear division through mitosis and implications for genetic consistency and cellular size.
7. Cellular respiration, including ATP-driven endocytosis and exocytosis processes in enzyme secretion.
8. Disease transmission control in tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria through vaccination, water treatment, and antiviral drugs.
9. Photosynthetic dynamics in Calvin cycle regulation, RuBP and GP concentration changes under light conditions.
10. Genetic mutation effects in hemoglobin, tRNA involvement, and nucleotide codon interpretation during protein synthesis.
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