Biology 9700/32 May June 2008 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of osmotic effects on plant leaf strips in varying sucrose solution concentrations, including solution preparation and measurement techniques.
2. Analysis of sucrose solution concentration estimation by comparing osmotic effects on plant tissue dimensions.
3. Sources of experimental error in osmotic investigations, with suggested improvements for accuracy and reproducibility.
4. Hypothesis testing using data on sucrose concentration effects on red blood cell diameters, including anomaly handling and hypothesis revision.
5. Large low-power plan diagram drawing of plant stem sections, emphasizing vascular bundle organization.
6. Measurement of vascular bundle dimensions using eyepiece graticule and stage micrometer calibration, including calculation accuracy.
7. High-power drawing of phloem cells, including companion cells, with an emphasis on structural detail and connectivity.
8. Comparative analysis of plant stem features from different specimens, focusing on structural and functional adaptations.

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