Biology 9700/01 Oct Nov 2008 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Comparison of cellular structures in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: ribosomes, circular chromosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum absence in prokaryotes.
2. Protein structure and mutation impacts: disulphide bond strength, haemoglobin alterations in sickle cell anemia, and primary structure dependencies.
3. Enzyme activity-temperature relationship: reaction rates, optimal temperatures, and denaturation trends visualized graphically.
4. Transport processes in plant cells: water potential gradients between root hair cells and xylem, osmosis mechanisms, and adaptations for water uptake.
5. Cardiac cycle dynamics: pressure changes in ventricles, oxygen dissociation curves under varying CO\\(_2\\) conditions, and squamous epithelium function in gas exchange.
6. Immune system responses:
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