Biology 9700/22 Oct Nov 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell membrane transport mechanisms: calcium ion active transport via pumps, phospholipid bilayer permeability to ions, and phagocytosis steps.
2. Enzyme activity: sucrase hydrolysis of sucrose at varying substrate concentrations, Benedict’s test endpoint detection, and graphical analysis of reaction rates.
3. Mitotic cell cycle in humans: importance of genetic consistency in daughter cells, cancer risk factors, and tumor development stages.
4. Xylem transport: water movement driven by cohesion, adhesion, and transpiration; comparison of water loss and uptake rates in light vs. dark conditions.
5. Candida albicans structure and function: eukaryotic cell organelles, TMP1 transport protein production, and differences from prokaryotic cells.
6. Energy flow in ecosystems: producer biomass conversion efficiency, absence of tertiary consumers due to energy loss, and nitrogen-rich waste impact on decomposer energy.

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