Biology 9700/33 Oct Nov 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of starch, protein, and reducing sugar concentrations in solutions using biochemical tests to prepare a nutrient mixture for young mammals.
2. Recording and interpreting results from biochemical tests to select suitable solutions for combining high starch, high protein, and low sugar concentrations.
3. Enzyme activity assessment in saliva across individuals, using time to complete starch digestion as a measure of variability.
4. Graphical analysis of digestion time data, identifying patterns and differences between test days.
5. Variable control methods for comparing enzyme activity across different mammalian species.
6. Plan diagrams and ratio measurements of leaf midrib and lamina thickness for anatomical comparisons in dry habitat plant species.
7. Observations and differences in cellular structures of upper and lower epidermal layers, emphasizing adaptations to environmental conditions.

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