Biology 9700/41 May June 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Conservation of flatback turtles: population trends from 1993 to 2002; protection methods like habitat preservation and reducing egg predation.
2. Monoclonal antibody production: hybridoma technology for blocking CD40 and CD28 signaling pathways in transplant rejection prevention.
3. Spermatogenesis: identification of seminiferous tubule cells, stages from spermatogonia to spermatozoa, and meiotic processes.
4. C4 plant leaf anatomy: carbon fixation efficiency at high temperatures; wax composition and high melting points for drought adaptation in sorghum.
5. DNA sequence analysis in anole lizards: phylogenetic relationships, speciation through geographic isolation, and evolutionary divergence supported by mitochondrial DNA data.
6. X-linked inheritance: genotypic analysis in rickets pedigree charts, phosphate transport mutation effects on bone health.
7. Cellular respiration stages: glycolysis location, ATP yield, oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, cyanide's inhibitory effects, and lactate production in anaerobic conditions.
8. Cystic fibrosis: autosomal recessive inheritance, lung pathology, and gene therapy's potential advantages and limitations.
9. Photosynthesis adaptations in palisade mesophyll cells and light-independent reaction processes.
10. Nephron structure and glomerular filtration mechanisms in kidney function.

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