Biology 9700/51 May June 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Photosynthesis rate comparison in sun vs. shade leaves using a leaf disc experiment; influence of light intensity on photosynthesis inferred from disc flotation.
2. Stomatal density analysis on leaf surfaces: field of view area calculation, stomatal counting under a microscope, and mean stomatal density comparison.
3. Statistical test selection for determining stomatal density differences: null hypothesis formulation and significance validation using t-test.
4. Immunodiffusion assay for antigen-antibody reactions: controlled variables, precipitation band observations, and limitations in sensitivity and specificity.
5. Malaria vaccine trial using mutant Plasmodium sp.: immune response comparisons in vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated mice, including control and booster groups.
6. Procedures for obtaining mutant Plasmodium sp. for trials: genetic modification or natural mutant selection methods for vaccine efficacy testing.

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