Biology 9700/22 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Protein synthesis steps: transcription in the nucleus, translation in rough endoplasmic reticulum, protein modification in Golgi apparatus, and exocytosis via secretory vesicles.
2. Malaria control: female Anopheles mosquito studies due to disease transmission role, pathogen life cycle involving liver and red blood cells, and global distribution influenced by environmental factors.
3. Enzyme properties: globular protein structure, specificity, mixtures for plant vs. fungal cell wall digestion, and pH maintenance for enzyme activity.
4. Osmosis effects: red blood cell behavior in hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic salt solutions; implications of water potential differences on cell volume.
5. Immune response: vaccine-induced primary response steps, antibody production by plasma cells, and herd immunity protecting unvaccinated populations.
6. Gas exchange mechanisms: alveolar adaptations for diffusion, elastic fiber function, and partial pressure differences driving oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between blood and alveoli.

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