Biology 9700/34 Oct Nov 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of agar block diffusion rates based on surface area-to-volume ratios; measurement of time for color disappearance using hydrochloric acid as an indicator.
2. Identification of experimental errors, including inconsistencies in block cutting and timing accuracy; methods for improving reliability of diffusion rate measurements.
3. Analysis of fish breathing rates under varied temperatures; plotting data to examine correlations between temperature and gill cover movements.
4. Large plan diagram of mammalian transverse section in gas exchange system, focusing on cartilage and epithelial cell structures.
5. Detailed comparison of epithelial cell structures, including features facilitating substance movement, such as cilia in the gas exchange system.
6. Calculation of epithelial-to-cilia length ratio in photomicrographs; observed structural differences between respiratory tubes based on histological analysis.

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