Biology 9700/32 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigating enzyme activity by varying enzyme concentration and measuring time for stained paper hydrolysis using iodine color change as an endpoint.
2. Identifying errors in depth measurements and control setups in enzyme experiments, proposing improvements to enhance reliability and precision.
3. Examining the effect of immobilized lactase bead diameter on reaction rates, plotting product mass data, and analyzing enzyme distribution within beads.
4. Drawing mammalian alveoli walls from transverse sections, labeling nuclei, and understanding structural adaptations for gas exchange.
5. Measuring artery lumen areas with a grid, calculating percentage change due to blockages, and evaluating implications for blood flow dynamics.
6. Comparing red blood cell morphology in fish and frogs using labeled drawings and tabulated observations, highlighting species-specific adaptations.

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