Biology 9700/33 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. States of plasmolysis in onion cells under varying sodium chloride concentrations; determination of unknown solution concentration by comparing plasmolysis levels.
2. Osmotic effects on red blood cells in sodium chloride solutions; graphical analysis to identify 50% hemolysis concentration.
3. Mixing effects of oil and water with egg yolk as an emulsifier; observations of stabilization of oil-water emulsions.
4. Blood cell morphology differences between red and white blood cells; measurement of crenated red blood cell diameters under high magnification.
5. Structural composition of cell membranes with proteins and lipids; interactions between phospholipids, proteins, and surrounding environments in stabilization and functionality.
6. Observation and recording methods for microscopic studies; preparation of slides, adjustment of light, and maintenance of specimen integrity.
7. Calculation and graphical representation in experimental biology; usage of magnification and metric conversions for accurate cellular measurements.

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