Biology 9700/34 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Catalase activity analysis in plant extracts, preparation of varying concentrations, and measurement of reaction times for oxygen release in hydrogen peroxide solution.
2. Data visualization of enzyme kinetics, effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on catalase activity, and interpretation of reaction rate trends.
3. Structural comparison of large arteries and veins using transverse section diagrams, including labeling of muscle layers.
4. Microscopic observation of alveolar walls in lung tissue, differences in gas exchange membranes, and calculations of mean alveolar diameter using photomicrographs.
5. Comparison of healthy and unhealthy lung tissues based on observable features in photomicrographs, highlighting structural degradation in diseased states.
6. Sources of error in practical investigations of enzyme activity and lung tissue analysis, alongside suggestions for methodological improvements to enhance reliability.

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