Biology 9700/41 Oct Nov 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Stages in cholinergic synapse signal transmission; roles of calcium ions, acetylcholine release, and postsynaptic depolarization.
2. Penicillin action on bacterial cell walls; resistance mechanisms via efflux pumps encoded by plasmid genes.
3. Gene insertion and expression in Escherichia coli; use of GFP as a marker for successful genetic modifications.
4. Spermatogenesis stages in mammals; roles of mitosis, meiosis, and mutations in genes affecting sperm motility and fertility.
5. Comparison of self-pollination and cross-pollination; environmental and genetic influences on pollination efficacy in maize.
6. Genetic inheritance in Rapid Cycling Brassicas; independent assortment of alleles on separate chromosomes.
7. Ecological and environmental significance of coral reefs; human impacts and conservation measures for biodiversity protection.
8. Roles of ATP in glycolysis and link reaction; mitochondrion-specific locations and reactions in cellular respiration.
9. ATP as the universal energy currency; its synthesis, transport, and utilization across diverse biological systems.
10. Relationship between chloroplast pigments and absorption spectra; auxin-mediated apical dominance in plant shoots.

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