Biology 9700/43 Oct Nov 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Roles of synaptic structures in neurotransmission and nicotine effects on brain neurons.
2. Use of plasmid vectors in genetic engineering, identification of recombinant plasmid-containing bacteria, and alternatives to antibiotic resistance markers.
3. Molecular mechanisms of penicillin-binding proteins and bacterial resistance through PBP2a.
4. Composition differences in whole grain versus refined flour breads, glycemic index implications, and dietary risks in type II diabetes.
5. IVF fertilization and embryo transfer timing benefits and risks; advantages of transferring single high-quality embryos.
6. Genetic inheritance patterns in mice fur color, test cross methodology for genotype determination.
7. Cross-pollination benefits, dependence of food crops on honeybees, and factors reducing honeybee populations.
8. Glycolysis, anaerobic respiration differences in yeast and mammals, and calculation and interpretation of respiratory quotient (RQ).

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