Biology 9700/11 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Structural features of mitochondria, nucleoli role in ribosome formation, and field of view area calculations using stage micrometers.
2. Hydrogen bonds in biomolecules: cellulose, water, and hemoglobin; comparison of α-glucose and β-glucose in polysaccharides like cellulose and glycogen.
3. Cell membrane fluidity factors: double bonds in fatty acids, cholesterol presence, and shorter fatty acid chains.
4. Active transport in sucrose loading, water movement in transpiration, and xerophyte adaptations to high salinity.
5. Gas exchange and cardiac cycle: oxygen displacement in oxyhemoglobin, pressure changes in heart chambers, and risk factors for atherosclerosis and COPD.
6. Ecosystem roles in nitrogen cycle processes, termite population interactions, and environmental factors leading to malaria resurgence.
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