Biology 9700/13 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Microscope resolution comparison, calibration of eyepiece graticules, and identification of eukaryotic cell features.
2. Protein synthesis, glycoprotein secretion processes, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum functions.
3. Biochemical tests for carbohydrates, protein structures, and enzymatic catalysis impact.
4. Differences in xerophytic leaf adaptations under varying water potential, and transpiration mechanics via potometer experiments.
5. Cardiac cycle dynamics, Bohr effect on haemoglobin oxygen affinity, and features of the double circulation system.
6. Gas exchange system tissues, effects of carbon monoxide and nicotine on cardiovascular health, and immune response roles of lymphocytes.
7. Energy flow in ecosystems, decomposition roles, and autotrophic processes in food webs.
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