Biology 9700/22 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Differences between mitosis and meiosis; roles of meiosis in genetic diversity and gamete production.
2. Increased mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticula in cancer cells for energy and protein synthesis needs.
3. Xylem vessel structure adaptations for water transport; advantages of light microscopy in tissue studies.
4. Tuberculosis as an infectious disease; antibiotic functions and effects of smoking on TB susceptibility.
5. Polysaccharide formation via glycosidic bonds; cryoprotectant roles of trehalose in preserving cell function during freezing.
6. Mechanisms of enzyme activity and structural changes during cold denaturation; protective effects of cryoprotectants on enzymes.
7. DNA replication and transcription differences; impact of gene mutations on vaccine effectiveness against antigenically variable pathogens.
8. Sequence of events in cardiac cycle initiation and control; structural differences between left and right ventricles related to blood pumping functions.

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