Biology 9700/42 May June 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Influence of temperature and light intensity on photosynthesis rates in aquatic plants, focusing on light-dependent oxygen production.
2. Use of DsRed fluorescent markers in genetically modified sterile moths to control pest populations; principles of gel electrophoresis for gene confirmation.
3. Continuous culture growth of Fusarium venenatum for mycoprotein production, impacts of carbon and nitrogen source concentration on fungal growth.
4. ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, neuron damage during strokes due to Na\\(^+\\)/K\\(^+\\) pump failure.
5. IVF processes: hormone-stimulated egg production, sperm preparation, and criteria for embryo selection using time-lapse microscopy.
6. Ultrafiltration in glomerular capillaries, adaptations in proximal tubule epithelial cells, and reabsorption of essential substances.
7. Evolution of warfarin resistance in rats, genetic inheritance patterns, and enzyme inhibition mechanisms by warfarin.
8. Speciation of desert pupfish due to habitat fragmentation, stabilizing selection, and potential genetic recombination if lake systems reconnect.

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