Biology 9700/11 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Comparison of electron and light microscopes in terms of magnification and resolution; cell structures including cisternae in endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
2. Active transport adaptations, size order of cell structures, and features of α-glucose and β-glucose.
3. Processes in mitosis and meiosis, DNA base pairing, and genetic differences in sickle cell vs. normal hemoglobin.
4. Transpiration mechanisms, water potential effects on plant growth, and ATP's role in companion cells during phloem loading.
5. Functions of arteries, alveolar gas exchange, immune system responses to pathogens, and types of immunity.
6. Ecological roles in ecosystems, crop rotation benefits involving nitrogen cycle bacteria, and TB treatment complexities.
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