Biology 9700/13 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Microscope eyepiece graticule measurements for accurate cellular proportions and objective lens adjustments.
2. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell diameter comparisons, number of cells fitting a 1 cm line.
3. Cellular processes like exocytosis, facilitated diffusion, and phospholipid production, linked with corresponding organelles.
4. Biological molecule testing results for Benedict’s, iodine, biuret, and emulsion tests.
5. Amylose hydrolysis, glycosidic bond types, and starch structure suited to energy storage and insolubility.
6. Cellular respiration pathways for triglycerides, amylopectin, and glycogen in relation to glucose and fatty acid content.
7. Membrane protein roles, facilitated diffusion, and their reliance on kinetic energy and protein channels.
8. Plant adaptations for water transport via apoplastic and symplastic pathways, with heavy metal accumulation in vacuoles.
9. Phloem and xylem characteristics, including cytoplasmic and nuclear absence, and phloem sap water potential changes at sinks.
10. Risk factors for cholera outbreaks, energy transfer efficiency in food chains, and nitrogen's role in crop yield optimization.
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