Biology 9700/23 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of nucleotide, peptide, and ester bond-containing molecules; polymer formation from monosaccharides like glucose.
2. Definition and global context of vaccination and infectious diseases; advantages of using per-capita metrics for disease prevalence like TB.
3. Mechanisms of bacterial inhibition through compounds like glutamycin; active transport processes in nutrient uptake.
4. Roles of Rhizobium in nitrogen fixation; adaptations in xerophytic plants to minimize water loss, including structural and physiological features.
5. Processes in plant transpiration; calculation of vascular bundle dimensions; adaptations for efficient water transport.
6. Dissociation of oxyhemoglobin in tissues due to high metabolic activity; physiological responses like increased red blood cell production at high altitudes.
7. Genetic basis of transcription; impacts of EPAS1 mutations on red blood cell regulation; transcription factor roles in gene expression suppression.
8. Structural differences in diseased versus healthy arteries; effects of smoking on arterial function and the role of nicotine-induced damage.
9. Comparative structural features of arteries and capillaries; their specific adaptations for functions like blood transport and nutrient exchange.

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