Biology 9700/41 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Effect of carbon dioxide concentration on RuBP and GP levels in the light-independent stage of photosynthesis in Chlorella under controlled conditions.
2. Genetic variation in cross-pollination versus self-pollination in Silene stenophylla, DNA sequencing to compare modern and ancient samples, and species verification through hybridization experiments.
3. Origin of wheat (Triticum aestivum) through hybridization, analysis of sterile hybrids, and introduction of peppermint gene for pest resistance.
4. Spermatogenesis stages, roles of mitosis, meiosis, and Sertoli cells, and in vitro fertilization techniques including hormonal impacts on spermatid development.
5. Adaptation of deer mice hemoglobin genotypes to altitude through natural selection, physiological differences in oxygen affinity at high altitudes.
6. Mechanisms of sensory receptor activation and neural transmission, including depolarization, action potential thresholds, and ion channel dynamics.
7. Non-disjunction in meiosis leading to Turner’s syndrome, chromosomal deletions affecting phenotypic outcomes, and genetic inheritance patterns of mutations.
8. Functions of mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes, stages of oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis, and energy production in anaerobic environments such as tapeworms in mammalian guts.

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