Biology 9700/43 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. RuBP and GP dynamics in photosynthesis, carbon dioxide concentration effects, and decreased GP leading to reduced productivity in Chlorella.
2. Genetic variation through cross-pollination, DNA sequencing to compare ancient and modern Silene stenophylla, and species confirmation through hybridization tests.
3. Hybridization in Triticum aestivum, chromosomal contributions from ancestral species, and genetic modifications in wheat to release aphid-repellent compounds.
4. Spermatogenesis stages, roles of reproductive hormones in sperm maturation, and IVF techniques including intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
5. Haemoglobin adaptation in deer mice across altitudes, natural selection favoring oxygen affinity changes, and genetic basis of altitude adaptation.
6. Sensory receptor function, ion channel involvement in action potential initiation, and propagation of action potentials in mammalian sensory neurones.
7. Non-disjunction and structural chromosome mutations in Turner’s syndrome, genotype inheritance patterns, and phenotypic variations from chromosomal deletions.
8. Mitochondrial DNA and ribosome functions, oxidative phosphorylation stages, and ATP production in anaerobic environments such as in parasitic tapeworms.

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