Biology 9700/52 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Extraction and digestion of pea DNA; detergent breaking down cell membranes, protease removing proteins, and ethanol precipitating DNA.
2. Gel electrophoresis stages for DNA fragment separation; use of agarose gel, application of DNA samples, electric field separation, and staining for visualization.
3. Analysis of DNA restriction sites using Eco RI and Hin dIII enzymes; interpretation of fragment patterns to determine restriction site distributions.
4. Sequencing DNA with fluorescently labeled nucleotides; interpretation of electrophoresis results for determining DNA template sequences.
5. Investigation of nitrogen use efficiency in Sorghum bicolor; enzyme activity variations under high and low nitrogen conditions.
6. Statistical analysis of enzyme activity data; use of standard error and t-tests to assess significance in enzyme activity differences.
7. Identification of anomalous data in enzyme activity studies; analysis of experimental design for reliability and precision.

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