Biology 9700/41 May June 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Photosynthetic adaptations in tea plant leaves, including surface area, thickness, stomatal function, and guard cell ion dynamics.
2. Human FSH production methods using recombinant DNA and monoclonal antibody purification, comparing u-hFSH and r-hFSH effectiveness in IVF.
3. Genetic and ecological responses of Mimulus guttatus to pollinator loss, examining self-pollination adaptation and natural selection effects.
4. Conservation of endangered tarplant species, analyzing seed dormancy, germination rates, and extinction risk under variable seed survival conditions.
5. Chromosome number variation in mole rats, population reproductive isolation analysis, and species classification based on genetic and behavioral data.
6. Synaptic transmission roles of calcium ions, mechanisms of toxin-induced paralysis, and synapse functions in neural pathways.

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