Biology 9700/22 Oct Nov 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Comparison of organelles in plant and animal cells, focusing on mitochondria, ribosomes, and plasmodesmata, including their functions and structural characteristics.
2. Role of tobacco smoking in atherosclerosis and emphysema development, macrophage and neutrophil contributions, and elastase action mechanisms.
3. Mitotic cell cycle stages in onion root tip cells, spindle behavior during anaphase, and its role in ensuring genetic consistency in daughter cells.
4. Membrane transport mechanisms for nutrient and antibody movement, including active transport, exocytosis, and facilitated diffusion via plasmodesmata.
5. Malaria transmission dynamics, focusing on Anopheles mosquito species distribution, food web interactions, and their implications for disease control.
6. Differences in heart chamber wall thickness based on functional demands, and comparisons of plant transpiration and translocation processes.

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