Biology 9700/41 Oct Nov 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Molecules involved in respiration: ATP as a phosphorylated nucleotide, pyruvate as a 3-carbon compound, NAD as a coenzyme, and ATP synthase as an enzyme.
2. Role of delftibactin in precipitating gold ions, protection against toxicity, and large-scale production of secondary metabolites.
3. Evolutionary processes leading to speciation in blackcaps due to genetic isolation between wintering populations.
4. Polyploidy in the development of bread wheat, roles of plant growth regulators in germination, and sucrose transport in phloem.
5. Biodiversity definition, threats to Javan gibbons due to habitat fragmentation, and zoo contributions beyond captive breeding.
6. Effects of scorpion venom on synaptic function through ion channel disruption and enzyme inhibition at synapses.
7. Photosynthesis rates influenced by light intensity, CO\\(_2\\) uptake, and accessory pigments in photosystems.
8. Genetic crosses in cattle: codominant alleles for coat color and recessive alleles for horns, distinguishing artificial and natural selection.

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