Biology 9700/43 Oct Nov 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Anaerobic respiration pathways in yeast and muscle cells; compound identification in glycolysis products and differences in end products.
2. Effects of DNP on mitochondrial function; explanations for ATP reduction, increased heat release, and stable oxygen uptake.
3. Immune response mechanisms leading to antibody production; use of monoclonal antibodies for NicVAX vaccination against nicotine.
4. Artificial selection for IPN resistance in salmon; associated challenges like reduced genetic diversity and potential vulnerability to diseases.
5. Genetic screening and gene therapy applications for haemophilia; differences in gene lengths and vector choices impacting treatment success.
6. Biodiversity importance and conservation efforts; comparison of terrestrial and marine habitat protection and biodiversity changes over time.
7. Kidney function in selective reabsorption and aquaporins; effects of dietary protein on urea concentration and nitrogen metabolism.
8. Photosynthesis pigments and action spectra correlations; impacts of accessory pigments on light capture and temperature stress on plant physiology.
9. Genetics of Drosophila phenotypes; methods for genotype determination; genetic crosses demonstrating inheritance of wing, body, and eye traits.
10. Oogenesis and menstrual cycle changes in human females; hybridization-induced polyploidy benefits in wheat; environmental and economic effects of GM herbicide-resistant crops.

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