Biology 9700/51 Oct Nov 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of endoprotease and exoprotease activity, including substrate specificity, hydrolysis sites, and chromatography analysis of protein breakdown.
2. Preparation and use of chromatograms for tracking hydrolysis over time, emphasizing standardization of variables and solvent application techniques.
3. Analysis of hydrolysis completion using chromatogram evidence, comparing peptide migration patterns for different enzymes.
4. Use of electrophoresis and chromatography to distinguish sickle cell and normal hemoglobin by amino acid sequence variations.
5. Aphid infestation management on hybrid crops, examining insecticide effects on treated versus untreated groups with standard error evaluations.
6. Statistical analysis of aphid control efficacy using t-tests, null hypothesis formulation, and degree of freedom calculations.

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