Biology 9700/22 March 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Biological molecules: condensation reactions, hydrolysis, β-glucose polymers, protein detection, triglyceride hydrolysis.
2. Nucleus structure, magnification calculation from cell images, and interphase analysis.
3. EPO synthesis in response to low oxygen, mRNA increase, target cell specificity, red blood cell production, and high-altitude adaptation.
4. Measles and HIV viral transmission, viral structure, replication mechanisms, and monoclonal antibody production for p24 antigen detection.
5. ATP structure, sucrose loading into phloem, role of co-transport proteins, and translation process involving tRNA.
6. Human gas exchange pathway, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) linked to smoking, and tobacco-related lung diseases.

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