Biology 9700/22 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Enzyme functions and structures, including activation energy, induced fit model, globular proteins, extracellular enzymes, and substrate concentration for half-maximal reaction rates.
2. Adaptations of marram grass for water conservation and classification as xerophytes.
3. Analysis of measles incidence in African countries, comparing raw versus normalized case data, and vaccination impact on disease control.
4. Mammalian circulatory system structure and functions, including closed double circulation and differences between blood and lymph.
5. Mitotic chromosome changes during prophase and metaphase versus anaphase; cytokinin roles in promoting cytokinesis.
6. Glycogen synthesis involving α-glucose, types of bonds formed, glycogen synthase functions, genetic mutations in GYS1, and cellular structures contributing to enzyme synthesis.

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