Biology 9700/43 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Structural and functional comparison of ATP and NAD in metabolic processes, emphasizing their roles in energy transfer and oxidation-reduction reactions.
2. Analysis of photosynthesis limiting factors, including experimental data on the effects of light intensity and CO2 concentration on soybean plants.
3. Genetic sequencing of Plasmodium and bioinformatics application to identify novel drug targets and mechanisms of drug resistance.
4. Impact of Bt crops on pest resistance development over time, with analysis of environmental and social benefits of genetically modified maize.
5. Conservation challenges posed by invasive species such as mink, methodologies for population estimation, and strategies for their control.
6. Genetic diagrams, inheritance patterns in Drosophila, and chi-squared test application to determine inheritance hypotheses.

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