Biology 9700/22 Oct Nov 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identifying cell structures based on functional descriptions, including ATP production, selective permeability, and ribosomal assembly.
2. Exploring osmosis in phloem sap transport, changes in Visking tubing mass, and the role of water potential gradients in mass flow.
3. Investigating enzyme activity, focusing on glucose isomerase from Thermus thermophilus, its temperature stability, immobilization benefits, and pH-dependent activity comparisons.
4. Analyzing renal artery structure-function relationships, calculating vessel magnification, and explaining water’s properties as an ideal plasma component.
5. Differentiating between infectious and non-infectious diseases, focusing on pathogen types, transmission methods, and vaccine-mediated disease control.
6. Examining the eukaryotic cell cycle, stages of neutrophil maturation, granule function in bacterial defense, and enzymatic mechanisms in cell wall degradation.

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