Biology 9700/41 Oct Nov 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. ADH function in nephron collecting ducts and mechanisms underlying diabetes insipidus due to defective ADH receptors.
2. Comparing C3 and C4 plant biochemistry in carbon fixation; ATP costs and carboxylase enzyme activity differences.
3. PCR steps: DNA denaturation, primer binding, and DNA synthesis using heat-stable Taq polymerase.
4. Resistance evolution in mosquitoes to malathion and deltamethrin, evidenced by genetic variation and Hardy-Weinberg principle calculations.
5. Effects of reforestation on biodiversity at ecosystem, species, and genetic levels in Italy; conservation measures for wolves and lynx.
6. Neuromuscular junctions in muscle contraction, labeling sarcomere components, and event sequence during contraction.

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