Biology 9700/21 May June 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identifying eukaryotic cell structures: organelles with 70S ribosomes, DNA-histone complexes, Golgi apparatus, nucleolus.
2. Differences in cell wall composition: prokaryotic (peptidoglycan) versus plant cell walls (cellulose).
3. Km derivation and enzyme-inhibitor kinetics for phosphatases, explaining Vmax and Km changes with competitive inhibitors.
4. Antibody structure: variable and constant regions related to antigen specificity and immune response mechanisms.
5. DNA replication versus transcription processes; telomere and ribosome functions in genetic and protein synthesis.
6. Mechanisms of sucrose transport in phloem: H⁺ ion gradients, co-transport with companion cells, and identification of sink tissues.
7. Cholera pathology: choleragen binding to gangliosides, its cellular effects, and antibiotic use recommendations for severe cases.

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