Biology 9700/12 Oct Nov 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Calculating the actual size of specimens using the formula \\( A = \\frac{I}{M} \\), with magnification \\( M \\) and image size \\( I \\).
2. Comparing virus sizes (polio, Mimivirus, Pandoravirus) to cellular structures such as lysosomes and mitochondria.
3. Biological molecule identification in milk through biochemical tests: reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, protein, and starch.
4. Adaptations of cellulose and chitin for structural roles in cell walls, including glycosidic bonds and hydrogen bonding.
5. Interpreting DNA replication results from nitrogen isotope labeling experiments in bacteria using centrifugation patterns.
6. Mechanisms of water transport in xylem, emphasizing cohesion via hydrogen bonding and negative water potential.
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