Biology 9700/12 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Comparison of plant and prokaryotic cell features, resolution and magnification in light microscopy, and cellular structures specific to various cell types.
2. Estimation of glucose concentration through Benedict’s test, proportional dilution calculations, and molecular identification of polysaccharides, peptide bonds, and lipids.
3. Enzyme activity analysis under varying conditions, including temperature effects on reaction rates, Michaelis-Menten constant interpretation, and diffusion rate influencing factors.
4. Roles of water potential, osmosis, and membrane transport in cells, with emphasis on effects of environmental conditions on plant cells and telomere dynamics during mitosis.
5. DNA replication and structure, coding sequences, RNA transcription processes, tRNA specificity, and nucleotide modifications in synthetic nucleic acids.
6. Phloem and xylem functionality, potometer measurement units, companion cell ATP utilization in phloem loading, and factors influencing oxygen dissociation during exercise.
7. Immune response mechanisms, including antigen recognition, HIV/AIDS immune suppression effects, variable regions on antibodies, and transplant rejection prevention strategies.
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