Biology 9700/13 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Microscopy techniques for measuring xylem vessel width using eyepiece graticules, calibration with stage micrometers, and unit conversion.
2. Cellular functions, including organelle roles in protein synthesis, glycoprotein secretion, and ATP production in mitochondria and chloroplasts.
3. Chemical composition and properties of biological molecules, focusing on amylose, amylopectin hydrolysis products, and molecular bonds like ester and hydrogen.
4. Enzyme inhibition types, reaction energy changes in enzyme-catalyzed processes, and the importance of active sites for substrate interaction.
5. DNA replication, transcription, and translation processes, including roles of DNA polymerase, complementary base pairing, and codon alterations in genetic diseases.
6. Water movement in plants through xylem involving cohesion, adhesion, and properties of lignin, with an emphasis on structural adaptations for transport.
7. Circulatory and respiratory systems' functionality, focusing on hemoglobin oxygen binding, effects of altitude, and consequences of smoking on blood chemistry.
8. Immune responses and types of immunity, including differences in active and passive, natural and artificial immunity, and pathogen antigen locations.
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