Biology 9700/41 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Conservation of Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii), analyzing habitat loss, annual population decline, extinction predictions, and roles of zoos in species protection.
2. Natural selection mechanisms, clutch size variations in zebra finches, Hardy-Weinberg calculations in budgerigars for allele frequencies, and population conditions affecting genetic equilibrium.
3. Regulation of the lac operon in E. coli, functions of lactose-related enzymes, effects of mutations in the repressor protein gene, and implications for bacterial metabolism.
4. Genetic inheritance in goats, including multiple alleles for coat color and patterns, genetic diagrams for offspring predictions, and molecular explanations for pigment synthesis in aa genotypes.
5. Genetic modification in pigs for growth and disease resistance, differences between traditional and gene-editing techniques, long-term value and ethical implications of transgenic animals, and public acceptance of gene-editing as selective breeding.
6. Aerobic respiration in mitochondria, identification of compound locations, variations in mitochondrial density across cell types, and implications for respiratory capacity in specialized cells.
7. Non-cyclic photophosphorylation in chloroplasts, identification of light-dependent reactions, Calvin cycle substrates and products, and uses of triose phosphate in photosynthetic cells.
8. Comparison of nervous and endocrine systems in communication and response, menstrual hormone dynamics, and biological basis for contraceptive pills containing estrogen and progesterone.
9. ATP as a universal energy currency, anaerobic respiration in mammals versus yeast, and structural adaptations in sensory neurons for signal transmission.
10. Establishment and maintenance of resting potential in myelinated neurons, focusing on ion transport mechanisms and structural-functional adaptations.

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