Biology 9700/11 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cellular ultrastructure identification using photomicrographs, distinguishing between plant and animal cells under electron and light microscopy.
2. Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, and mitochondria functions involving cisternae, lipid synthesis, and ATP production.
3. Comparison of bacterial and plant cell walls, differentiating between peptidoglycan and cellulose polymers.
4. Analysis of glycosidic bonds in non-reducing sugar tests, identifying catalysts and monosaccharides.
5. Protein structure determinants, focusing on peptide bonds, primary structure sequencing, and mutation impacts on enzyme activity.
6. Mechanisms of ion transport, osmosis, and water potential in plant and animal cells, including phloem and xylem pathways.
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