Biology 9700/23 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Golgi body roles in protein processing and secretion, mitochondrial energy supply for secretion, and autonomous mitochondrial features supporting independent function.
2. Protein structural features, formation of dipeptides, cellulose structural suitability for cell walls, and amylose-cellulose structural differences.
3. Structure and functional differences between DNA and mRNA, telomerase activity in DNA replication and its absence in prokaryotes, and diagnostic use of telomerase levels in cancer detection.
4. Roles of the sinoatrial node (SAN), atrioventricular node (AVN), and Purkyne fibers in cardiac cycle regulation and noradrenaline-mediated cell signaling in heart rate control.
5. Pathogenic mechanisms in tuberculosis (TB), including phagocyte elastase action, and social and biological challenges in TB disease management.
6. Identification of mitotic stages in Allium cepa, roles of mitosis in immune response, and characterization of key events during the mitotic cell cycle.

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