Biology 9700/52 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Experimental setup to compare water vapor loss between upper and lower leaf surfaces, method for obtaining per-unit-area water loss, and analysis of environmental conditions affecting stomatal aperture.
2. Antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae, correlation of antibiotic use with resistance levels using Pearson’s linear correlation, and interpretation of resistance trends across European countries.
3. Serial dilution techniques for antibiotic concentration preparation, application of the disc diffusion test for antibiotic effectiveness, and criteria for rapid testing of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in environmental samples.
4. Statistical analysis of antibiotic use and resistance relationships, including significance testing, and evaluation of data reliability in correlation studies.
5. Environmental impact of antibiotic resistance in water systems, rapid detection methodologies, and improvements in monitoring protocols for public health and environmental safety.

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