Biology 9700/22 March 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Analyzing leaf cross-sections of xerophytic plants, focusing on tissue types and structural adaptations for reduced water loss.
2. Enzymatic role of carbonic anhydrase in CO₂ transport and its structural components influencing enzymatic function.
3. Evaluating malaria control strategies, including ITNs and diagnostic testing methods for Plasmodium proteins.
4. Functional differences in ventricle walls of the mammalian heart and mechanisms maintaining a steep oxygen diffusion gradient in alveoli.
5. Hormonal regulation by prolactin and its role in glucose uptake for milk production, explored through Visking tubing experiments.
6. Mitosis significance in growth, repair, and microtubule roles; distinguishing viral features from cellular organisms like Pandoravirus.

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