Biology 9700/12 March 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Calculation of actual cell dimensions using stage micrometer calibration and understanding vesicle formation from cell organelles.
2. Identification of structures common to chloroplasts, mitochondria, and prokaryotes, and distinctions in cell structures such as ribosomes and DNA.
3. Hydrogen bonding in water contributing to high latent heat, specific heat capacity, and cohesion in xylem during plant transpiration.
4. Mechanisms of enzyme activity, including effects of competitive inhibitors on Km and Vmax, and control conditions for enzymatic reactions.
5. Characteristics and pathways of cellular components in diffusion, osmosis, apoplastic, and symplastic transport in plant cells.
6. Features of B-lymphocytes, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccination effectiveness against diseases like smallpox versus malaria or sickle cell anemia.
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