Biology 9700/33 May June 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Preparation of varying glucose solution concentrations using a 20% glucose solution and distilled water, with precise measurement for specific target concentrations.
2. Measurement of time for glucose solutions to react with potassium manganate(VII) until a color change endpoint is reached, and estimation of glucose concentration in an energy drink.
3. Analysis of errors in experimental procedures and proposal of modifications to improve accuracy and minimize errors.
4. Graphical representation of blood glucose concentration changes over time following energy drink consumption, with interpretation of trends.
5. Comparison of anatomical features between stained transverse sections of plant roots from different species, including the use of labeled drawings and observable differences in a tabulated format.
6. Calculation of cell diameters and percentage differences, along with the effect of cell size variations on water movement in xylem based on adhesion and cohesion principles.

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